Monday, November 22, 2010


Thank you for being a part of Bucket List Campaign 2010. Because of your active participation, you have made the campaign a successful event!

We are very excited as we are currently in the midst of working on the event next year and will be targeting a bigger audience with more range of activities to try.

We will also be having fringe events, to let people have a better understanding of what Bucket List is, and what this campaign is about. Updates of the event will be on our website We will be coming up with a new fanpage for bucket list as well, so do keep a look out for them!

In appreciation of your participation, we have come up with 2 events next week! Details as below:

1) The Bucketlist Workshop @ ECI, 23 Nov 2010

Click on image to enlarge.

2) Masquerade Party
Theme: Famous Tonight!
What is it about: Come dressed as somebody famous, or just come as your glamorous self! Get to know new friends behind fancy masks. A night to chill, relax and best of all, a smashing good time to the end of a hectic week!
Date/Day: 26 November 2010, Friday
Time: 7pm
Location: Glass Room, SMU
Fee: $15 (Only for bucket list participants, simply mention this when you register. Original price at $20)
To register, please contact Tracie at or 8133 0431

Both events are open to public as well. Do bring along your friends or families if they are interested!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the campaign or any of our activities. We hope to see you real soon!

Best regards,
The Bucket List Campaign Team

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